4 Health Benefits That You Can Get When You Buy the Osaki Chiro Massage Chair

4 Health Benefits That You Can Get When You Buy the Osaki Chiro Massage Chair

IMPORTANT: The Osaki Chiro has already been phased out. Checkout our other Osaki massage chairs here.


More than the wonderful feeling of being completely relaxed, having a holistic massage entails great health benefits that can definitely enhance your lifestyle in ways you would not expect. With the increasing number of triggering factors of stress, it is no doubt that most Americans would constantly wish for better ways to manage their stress.


One problem that most working citizens face is lack of time for themselves. However, thanks to the wonders of technology, more people are able to experience the benefits of real relax massage chairs more frequently and in their own time. With the Osaki Chiro Massage Chair, you too can have that much-needed rest and indulge in the bliss of having a full body massage experience.


Total relaxation is something that we all want and need. In this day and age, it is increasingly becoming more of a necessity than a luxury which makes the Osaki Chiro massage chair such a great addition to your lifestyle. But what exactly will you get when you buy this great full body massage chair? Here are five health benefits that you can experience with the Osaki TW-Chiro Massage Chair:


1. It effectively improves your mood.

Massage helps improve mood

Being in a bad mood all the time ruins many of the important aspects of one’s life. It affects your decisions and gravely puts a strain in your relationships with your family and friends. It can also hurt your chances of living an active and healthy lifestyle.


The Osaki TW-Chiro Massage Chair aims to provide an excellent massage that can help alleviate symptoms of stress. In fact, getting a massage can help stimulate the production of feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine.


With its Body Scanning system, this massage chair scans and accurately detects important points in your body which allows you to get a precise massage based on your body type. This advanced feature uses state of the art technology and optical sensors that can map out the curvatures of your back as it determines its length, shape and depth.


2. The TW Chiro Massage Chair can soothe sore muscles and alleviate body pain.

soothe sore muscles

The tiredness that you are feeling in your muscles might be due to poor posture or overuse of these muscles. This results in tight and painful muscles which limits your movement and makes you feel more tired. The Osaki Chiro Massage Chair’s 3D massage feature answers this problem.


This technology allows the massagers to extend out up to 2 inches, giving you a deeper, more intense massage that effectively soothes tired muscles and relieves pain in these areas. This hassle- free feature is also easy to activate and does not need any adjustments. The airbags along the waist also helps amplify the experience as it grabs the waist and allows you to have a deeper massage.


3. Having a massage in this chair can help reduce insomnia-related problems.

improved sleep

More and more Americans are losing sleep due to a variety of issues. Many are unaware that failing to get the right amount of sleep can also affect a person's immune system, mood, and even sex drive. This can become a huge problem as it affects the overall performance of an individual and their relationships with their family and friends. Thankfully, there is a healthy way of improving the quality of sleep. Studies show that having a massage improves sleep in infants, children, adults, and the elderly as it promotes production of serotonin and reduces long-term pain.


This massage chair also has a full automatic recline which can achieve a 170- degree angle recline, placing the user in a “flat bed position”.


What is also great about the TW Chiro Massage Chair is that it embraces people of all shapes and sizes. It is made to accommodate a wider variety of body types. It is also the only chair that has a wider seat base and taller backrest, giving everyone in the family the opportunity to comfortably sit on the chair and relax.


4. It improves blood circulation.

improved blood circulation

Whether we like it or not, stress can take a toll on our bodies. we all experience having tired and sore legs at the end of the day which can be due to various reasons. One of the main issues that contribute to the pain that we feel in our legs and feet is poor blood circulation. Luckily, the Osaki TW Chiro Massage Chair has a feature that takes care of this issue. With the foot and calf massage feature, this chair helps rejuvenate your tired legs and feet. The extended airbags in the calves and feet effectively covers the problem areas and provides great relief.


Taking care of one’s self should be the number one priority. However, this can be a real challenge to people who lead busy lives and feel like they cannot afford to squeeze in a bit of time for themselves. But with an ideal massage chair like the Osaki Chiro, you can take charge of your health. Work performance, concentration, and your relationship with others will greatly improve once you start taking care of yourself.