2d massage chair

  1. Understanding 3D and 4D Functions In A Massage Chair

    Understanding 3D and 4D Functions In A Massage Chair
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    What is 3D and 4D massage and what can they do for your body? In this short article, let us help you get a better understanding about these things so you know what to look for in a home massage chair.


    Shop for: 3D Massage Chairs | 4D Massage Chairs


    Massage rollers are located along the track of the massage chair. Typical L-track massage chairs have a range that allows rollers to reach from your

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  2. Simple Guide to 2D vs 3D vs 4D Massage Chairs

    Simple Guide to 2D vs 3D vs 4D Massage Chairs
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    2D massage chairs were the standard for many years and they still do a good job. People wanted a massage that could substitute their masseuse or spa service so 3D massage was invented to significantly improve the movement and quality of the massage. 4D evolved the massage quality even further by allowing your massage chair to focus on your tense muscles that most need soothing attention and care.

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