luraco i9 massage chair review

  1. Luraco i9 Versus Luraco i9 Custom Edition Massage Chair Comparison | What's The Difference?

    Luraco i9 Versus Luraco i9 Custom Edition Massage Chair Comparison | What's The Difference?
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    One question we get asked a lot about the Luraco i9 massage chair is, what's the difference between this one and the Luraco i9 custom edition. Well, there's a lot that they share in common. These two chairs are functionally identical as far as all the massage features, benefits, the frame, the way they look, the colors and the fact that they both use genuine leather.



    The key difference is that the custom edition offers these few additional benefits:


    1. Customized remote control screen

    luraco i9 customized remote control screen

    It shows the owner's name or the name of your special someone, if you're giving it as a gift.


    2. Personalized leather name tag

    Luraco i9 personalized leather name tag

    It can be personalized with a leather name tag on it as well, placed on the headrest of the chair.


    3. Backup emergency power

    luraco i9 massage chair backup emergency power

    Let's say you're in the middle of a massage and you're fully reclined backwards and then your power suddenly goes out. The chair will have backup emergency power which will allow it to get you back to the upright position, making it safer and easier

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  2. The Luraco i9: Bringing Optimum Health to a Whole New Level

    The Luraco i9: Bringing Optimum Health to a Whole New Level
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    Have you ever found yourself yearning for more satisfaction after a massage? It was all so quick you barely savored the moment and wished for a few extra stretching and care. Don't even try to deny it. You wanted more. So, here's more!

    Introducing the new Luraco i9 Medical Massage Chair. It is the new and upgraded version of the highly-regarded and hailed as "World's Best Medical Massage Chair" Luraco i7 Plus. In a nutshell, it showcases the following key features, among others:

    • Brand new butterfly 3D robotic arms
    • Sliding Arms for "easy entry"
    • SPLIT S-L Track for the best stretch and best glutes massage
    • Hand rollers
    • Made in USA, fully manufactured in Texas


    Intrigued? Find out more why it diverges from the usual massage chairs in the market and be prepared to be fascinated.


    Optimum Massage Experience


    Excellent years of research and product development have led to the creation of Luraco i9 with its super-advanced features that offer superior therapeutic and medicinal massages just

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