When Is The Best Time To Use A Massage Chair: Before Or After Taking A Bath?
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For most people, baths and massages are excellent options to cap off the day – whether it was a physically tiring one or a mentally exhausting one. However, some still wonder in which order should these two activities come – bath first or massage first? Assuming you have one, when is the best time to use a massage chair: before or after taking a bath? Read on to find out.


Getting a massage before a bath

Getting massage before bath shower

Taking a bath before sitting on the massage chair definitely has its advantages. For instance, if you’ve just been to the gym after a grueling workout or have just arrived from an hour-long (or perhaps longer) commute, or maybe you’ve just gotten off from work (especially those whole day shifts or longer), it might be a good idea to take a bath first. Doing so removes sweat, oil, dirt, and other nasty things on your skin that you might end up depositing or accumulating in the chair.

Also, taking a bath first, especially a warm one, effectively soothes tired and knotted muscles, causing

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